Protecting environment is an essential thing that a human must do. There is a great saying that “if environment is protected it will protects you”. If you understand clearly you can able to know the things what you are doing i.e., it is protecting the environment or effecting the environment. All the citizens of their […]
Consuming Electricity in a Better Way
Consuming electricity in a better way and to save power. As the natural resources are degrading the power generating resources from which are getting electricity was also reducing. Hence it is our duty to preserve the resources and also to save the existing resources and to consume or use them in a better way so […]
How can you write your program effective in B.Tech
This problem will easily appear in the engineering students until they get a solution for that problem. Writing your program so effective gives you the best results in the output or in your examination. The following are benefits so that you can be shown first if you write your program effective. Can analyze simply. Understand […]
PV Diagram for two stroke engine
The variation of pressure inside the cylinder with respect to volume for two stroke petrol engine can be represented. The pressure drops closer to atmosphere level from the opening of exhaust port and thereafter remains at the same level till the piston comes back in its return smoke to close the exhaust port. The compression and expansion […]