Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service examination 2013 Notification and online applications are released at…
Union Public Service Commission will also conducting IES / ISS examination in the month on September 2013 itself. Indian Economic service / Indian Statistical Service examination for the year 2013 will going to conduct by the UPSC this year in 2013. The candidates requested to prepare for the examinations as the details for this examination are mentioned below.
Union Public Service Commission will also conducting IES / ISS examination in the month on September 2013 itself. Indian Economic service / Indian Statistical Service examination for the year 2013 will going to conduct by the UPSC this year in 2013. The candidates requested to prepare for the examinations as the details for this examination are mentioned below.

The examination centers are Ahemedabad, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cuttak, Delhi, Dispur, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Shillong, Shimla, Trivendram. All these examination centers will be filled on first based first fill. If one of the center was filled then that center will be frozen and no other candidate can able to put it as a center of examination.
Syllabus of this examination will be as per the last year syllabus and the candidates can read their syllabus as the syllabus which was mentioned in 2012. The candidates need to apply in their official website The important dates are as follows. The notification will release on August 17th 2013. Stay with us for further updates.
Apply Here for IES / ISS 2013 Examination – Fill Online Here
Apply Here for IES / ISS 2013 Examination – Fill Online Here
Important details:
Application fee – 200/-
Notification release date : 17th Aug 2013.
Last date for receipt of Applications : 16th Sept 2013.
Examination date : 9th Nov 2013.
Duration of examination : 3 Days.
IES / ISS 2013 Notification can able to see here – Read Notification Here