Admit cards or Hall tickets for PA / SA Posts in postal department for 2014 at….Indian Postal Department have presented a notification about the vacancies for some of the posts in postal department. There are approx 8243 vacancies for Postal Assistant or Sorting Assistant job in the regions where the jobs are vacant. The examination dates for this examination have already been announced and the dates are on 27th April 2014 and also on 4th May 2014. There are as many as 20 lakhs candidates have already applied for this posts.
As the submission of the applications are completed successfully the candidates are waiting to collect their Admit cards over the net. The hall tickets for this PA/SA posts for this year 2014 are going to release in the official website As the examination date is also getting closer, time to download and release for the Hall tickets have to be done by the government. All the candidates are hereby requested that to visit the official website frequently to download the Admit cards.
Download PA/SA Posts Hall tickets 2014 here –